Bringing up a prenuptial (prenup) conversation with your soon-to-be spouse can be challenging. How do you start the conversation without upsetting them? Won't they think you are planning for a divorce before you are even married? Below are four tips that can help you:...
Prenuptial Agreements
Crafting a prenup in New Jersey
The thought of signing a prenuptial agreement (prenup) may seem unromantic and unnecessary when you are engaged to be married. Perhaps you’re afraid that setting up a prenup now shows that you have little faith that your marriage will succeed. However, creating a...
What makes a prenuptial agreement valid?
Most people go into a marriage hoping that it will last forever. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. A prenuptial agreement allows you to protect yourself and your assets in case your marriage doesn’t stand the test of time. What makes a prenup valid? If you...
The signs that a family needs a post-nup
Most are familiar with prenuptial agreements, but many do not know that after marriage, a postnuptial (“post-nup”) agreement is also possible. Essentially, they both do the same, but unlike a prenuptial agreement, the post-nup is entered after a couple marries. And,...
2 mistakes to avoid in a prenuptial agreement
Prenuptial agreements have endured a historically negative perception. In the past, they were widely considered by many as planning for failure. In popular media, asking your partner to sign a prenup was a sure-fire way to get the wedding called off. Fortunately,...
4 myths about prenups
A prenup is a signed contract that protects both parties in case of a divorce or death. It can bring up an uncomfortable, but necessary, conversation about finances. It can set the stage for how the couple talks about finances in the future. People tend to look down...
Breaking the stigma of prenuptial agreements
Prenuptial agreements may not be the most romantic of gestures, but they can save your sanity in the event you and your spouse decide to get a divorce. Many couples are deterred by the idea of planning for a breakup. For others, it offers a peace of mind knowing that...